Burning Bär 2017
Burning Bär festival took place in late February 2017. It was the second time this festival took place. It is a regional small version of the Burning Man in Nevada. Burning Bär, just like the Burning Man is based on the 10 principles and it provides with artists a platform to be creative.
I had the honor to be the art lead of the festival, design the effigy, bring two art pieces and participate in the making of a third on. Here is the story
The effigy
It iwas the 2nd Burning Bär (burning bear) festival and I volunteered to design the effigy. I did it together with Kerrie Tate.
We started with a simple painting of a bear. From there I started to deconstruct the shape of the bear into individual elements that were placed in a 3D space.
I designed the bear so its not an obvious at first sight. In order to understand its a bear, more than a quick look is required. Much like a good story, details have to be disclosed slowly. The bear's parts was mostly cut by Kerrie who made an amazing job. More complicated shapes were cut with a CNC machine at Fablab Berlin. It was made of a 12mm plywood.

an initial 3D rendering of the effigy

a scaled model was created

The burning Bär! Burng baby burn!

an initial 3D rendering of the effigy
Light lake
I had the pleasure of working on this idea of Amihay Gonen. Light lake is an interactive mattress that reacts to pressure applied by walking or laying down on it. It was created especially for Burning Bär festival 2017

DNA of Mainstream
Prepared especially for Burning Bär festival, this art piece is a rotating DNA molecule running colorful leds inside plastic balls. (around 60 cm tall)
This sculpture that combines motion and light animation,is a criticism towards the art of Burning Man, that has deteriorated from fascinating sculptures to sometimes no more than yet another Las Vegas style light shows.

an early test of the addressable LEDs array

the 'DAN' form was mounted on a rotating stage that I designed based on a small motor and gear unit

yet another phase of the construction

an early test of the addressable LEDs array
Another art piece I brought to Burning Bär festival was a a fabric tubes ring. This ring was equipped with LEDs that created an illusion of rotation.
Actually its based on Prorty II I made earlier, just rearranged and run by a new code that drives its Arduino.