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Black and White - group exhibition at the lLite-Haus gallery, neukölln, Berlin
Black and White

This January 2023 I'm taking part in a group exhibition named-Black and White.

 Vernissage  - Thursday 19th January at 18:00

Location: Lite-Haus Galerie, Mareschstr 4, Berlin

Secrets of the Forest- group exhibition - Chroma Art Gallery, Berlin. Georgina Magklara
Secrets of the Forest

This December I'm taking part in a group exhibition named- Secrets of the Forest. Exploring the theme of the relationship between mankind, nature, and technology. Vernissage  - Wednesday 7th December at 19:00

Location: Brüsselerstr. 37, 13353 Berlin

Das Museum der virtuellen Kuppeln - video projection mapping, St Korbinian Chuech munich münchen. Elizabeth Lutz, Dr Uli schäfert

Museum der virtuellen Kuppeln

St. Korbinian, Munich, 7th of May
As part of the Lange Nacht der Musik, I will be exhibiting a video art on the huge ceiling of St Korbinian Church. 
A story accompanied by 1:1 scale photos and animations of famous chapels and church art. Its a one time opportunity to experience

Science and fiction festival, München Ronit Wolf Deutsches Museum

Science & Fiction Festival

The annual Scifi Festival took place at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. 
Hau den Lukas - an interactive video art
Life Support - mixed media
High Voltage - electric shock installation

Unknowing now - grop exhibition airm artists in residency munich. Villa Waldberta, Feldafing. Martin Romer, Ronit Wolf timo herbst, Marie Amelie Bauer

Group exhibition - Unknowing now

As part of a group exhibition with the current guests of the residency program I intend to exhibit part of previous arworks and a new one I am developing during my stay here: "Rapid Industry" 

Berlin design week 2021 motionlab berlin, art and design

Berlin Design Week 2021

This year, I take part in Berlin design week remotely. Some of my works are on permanent exhibition at As a resident artist at Villa Waldberta, Feldafing, I use the time for creation and #collaboration with some amazing artists here from all over the world. #staytuned

Münchner Science & Fiction Festival - Dare Utopia!

October 02, 2019

Join me at the 6th Münchner Science & Fiction Festival - Dare Utopia!

At the Deutsches Museum, Munich.


Ill be exhibiting there a large scale Newton's cradle, which shows with light, the energy running among the balls.



Berlin Design Week 2019

October 02, 2019

Visit use at Berlin Design Week 2019

Bikini Berlin


10 - 12 October 2019

14 - 16 June 2019 - 48 Stunden Neukölln

April 26, 2019

Die Lebende Maschine.

Wie wird sich künstliche Intelligenz mit Bewusstsein entwickeln? "Die Lebende Maschine" ist ein Versuch, solch ein Szenario vorherzusagen.


How will conscious artificial intelligence evolve? ‘Die Lebende Maschine’ is an attempt to predict a possible scenario.

Art Fabrique Berlin

September 25, 2018

On Wednesday a new exhibition started, in which I take place with a brand new artwork I built. 'keep yourself together' A blownup laundry clip


The exhibition is open until October 7th 2018

The Authenticity of Replication

July 21, 2018

Where would you draw the thing red line between authentic and replica? I tried to address this issue with a series of 3D prints

Maker Faire Berlin 2018

May 25, 2018

cookies for guests only and an oil pump that made tea.. these are some of the things that were on exhibition at the maker faire 2018

Habitat - An Interactive Virtual Playground

May 11, 2018

Habitat was an virtual environment requiring your participation to function. Working with IMRSV Arts, we created together a technology-infested space, which comes to life when interaction occurs.


For this exhibition I created a sandbox art piece that combines 3D camera sensing with corresponding video projections. This is based on a development made at UC Davis.

turmoil excess_ vorspiel / transmediale & ctm

January 25, 2018

Tabula Rasa - 2017

Took part in turmoil excess_ vorspiel / transmediale & ctm

Twilight V - LaGrandeFinale

January 24, 2018

Twilight V - LaGrandeFinale 

Took part in the exhibition with Time Portal / 2016

Into the desert

December 14, 2017

Into the desert


RAGE / 2017

Nature in Binary

November 10, 2017

Nature in binary

Too part in the exhibition

Time Portal / 2016

Tabula Rasa / 2017

Waldqualle / 2017

Paper under control / 2017

re:publica 17

May 07, 2017

re;publica 17

Too part in the exhibition


Time Portal / 2016

Tabula Rasa / 2017

Paper under control / 2017



Paper Under Control

March 09, 2017

Paper Under Control

exhibiting a series of prints 

Burning Bär 2017

February 23, 2017

Burning Bär 2017

molecule light DNA

prototyp II

effigy design and build 

Maker Faire Berlin 2016

September 30, 2016

Maker Faire Berlin 

part of Fablab Berlin exhibition

Time Portal 2016


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